Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day and Some Classic Pod

Couldn't agree with Bill more.  St. Patrick's day is lame unless you own a bar and you're looking forward to increased revenue.

Even though my family hails from the Mediterranean, I still feel like I can fairly weigh in on the holiday.  It's a bunch of people who wouldn't have the balls to drink NEXT Wednesday.

And if some drunken Irish cliche' says 'we drink every Wednesday' - guess what - it voids today from being a HOLIDAY.  Ya know - a special day that stands out among the rest. 

And if the corn beef and hash, and the rest of the boiled dinner are so great - why aren't there restaurants serving this shit all year round?

Imagine if the Italians had a day?  St. Anthony's day.  Where everyone drank red wine and shoveled veal into their pasta holes.

Not to mention I'm sure you're all making St. Pat over here real proud.  He ditched the snakes.  What'd you do?  Get hooked up with a round of Jameson at McGilly's Generic Pub cause you work at the GameSpot next door?



  1. Italians celebrate on Columbus day dummy!!In NYC they do have a huge parade and they celebrate.
