Monday, May 03, 2010

Little Late

Shit's a little late this week.  Everyone keep your jets cool.

Go Celts!


  1. Fuck the Celtics, signed Lebron James.

  2. Dude, why so much trouble with the podcast every week?

  3. because its free. Therefore, just appreciate it when you get it.

  4. Bill. The 17 of us that listen (not cause you suck,in fact your very good, but because, as you said, you have to be a private detective to find the podcast, I looked in iTunes for a month before I figured out that you don't have it on iTunes anymore) don't mind that you are late, we are used to it, and we love it. But can we get this on iTunes? I know you mentioned you'll do that but for reazel my nizzle. Keep up the good work man.

  5. Bill, get your shit together sir.

  6. You can get the podcast on iTunes by, in iTunes itself, clicking Advanced, then Subscribe to Podcast and then entering this URL:

  7. Looks like the site is being reworked. You think it would have been done on a day other than monday but wtf ya gonna do.

  8. Remember...First Rule about the podcast, You DONT talk about the podcast-Billy Burr

  9. God im going crazy here i need my fix of the MMP i dont want to go to the back alleys and do stuff im not proud of again :S

  10. Please Bill.. The Celtics have 13 fucking championships. Think about us in Cleveland. I know you can't root for us in this series, but please understand that one championship will give us the slightest bit of confidence when trying to defend this city against the rest of the country.
