Monday, June 21, 2010

Anonymous Douchebag Addendite Spotlight of the Week

This is awesome...

Anonymous said...
The podcast isn't available anywhere you fucking cocksucker. click on the MMPC link it goes to a dead page Backspace the ".htm" it goes to an RSS feed that many web browsers can't read Go to iTunes you have to download gayass cocksucking fucking iTunes And it's nowhere All it is is one fucking mp3 file. Are you really so fucking incompetent that you can't make 1 mp3 file available on the internet every monday? There are literally children that could do what you do better than you do it You are a fucking moron


  1. Yeah what the fuck this FREE shit is pissing me off!....jk jeez, yall really coming down hard on the intern, ever think maybe just maybe has his own life and cant control Bill's schedule. Fans of the MMPC should know by now and learn to deal with Bills lack of posting on time, and all the itunes/Libsyn/Gcast error bullshit....I mean really, be happy it's free u fucking dickheads and stop talking shit, you know Bill has been busy and has had a shit load of problems with the podcast, just be glad he didnt just give up and just stop doing it. Go complain about something real!

  2. what carlos said...

  3. It's up now you stupid fuck bag cunts.


    Use this link, cuntrags

  5. why cant we all get along..........

  6. Fuck me and my anonymous shit, huh? I don't see you posting your name and address anywhere.

    My blood pressure's fine because I'm young. It'd stay that way if I didn't live in a world full of incompetent retards.

    "Cubicle ragaholic", you're probably right about that. I'm 23 and I make low-mid 6 figures.

    Enjoy blowing comedians for a living you pathetic sack of shit.

    Now shut the fuck up, bend over and wait for Bill Burr to pitch you his next podcast. I'll be waiting for that Addendum and it better be on time this week.
