Sunday, March 07, 2010

March 8th, 2010 - Bill gets bumped, Roth & Killer Dwarfs


San Jose was good to Bill up until the point they ditched him...

It happened...Bill got bumped by the Oscars.

Billy Gardell and Randy Baumann

Couple of penguin fans- direct finger message.

Bill then hypes theAddendum.  And I am to remain namelss.

Bill talks Terry again.

copy of interview to come

Van Halen - And the Cradle Will Rock

Killer Dwarf Midgets

This guy is a fuckin a professional....


Listener:  I crush woman's libido's.  Just got out of second long term relationships.  Both started the same.  Both girls loved to 'fuck like rabbits'.  Until the second year of each relationship - it all drops off.

Bill:  It happens.  Go bang some woman.  Go after the ones that seem outta your league - it'll only make you better.

Listener:  Where to go in Boston?

Bill:  Cappy's Liquors on Rt 1.  and the Calhoun.  Blanchard's Brockton.  The Penalty Box.  Stay away from the freedom trail.


  1. Ok, I'll break the ice. This is the internet chat room version of being the first idiot on the dance floor, only with a way lower chance of getting laid.

    Speaking of not getting laid, to the libido crushing heart breaker out in Bahhhston: Is the year mark the point in your relationships where you get comfortable enough to start wearing sweatpants? Because I'll tell you, nothing snaps a vagina shut faster than a guy rolling around in sweatpants. Bonus points if you have some sort of dried paint on them from the last time you undertook a home improvement project. If you must go the 'comfortable' route around the house, invest in a pair or two of Adidas-like warm up pants. At least those will conjure of images of athleticism when you roll out of the rack at the crack of noon.
    Other things that will induce tumbleweed-friendly climates in and around your lady's nether-regions: Ass-breath, excessive flatulence, swampcock.

    Maybe I'm way off, but it sounds like complacency might be your problem.

  2. Camp that was hilarious. But I without knowing what the deal was, I'd say Bill was probably right.

    I've been in relationships with some crazy wenches, who were very horny and even if you have a good relationship and things seem locked down, they get bored. Shit, I got bored. There's only so many times you can fuck the same girl, even when you start hitting up the sex shops.

    I haven't hit that point in my current relationship and we're past the year marker, but I'm wondering if this isn't just a natural affliction. Like you either cheat or become miserable. I think the difference is just that some chicks take off/get divorced when the shit gets boring and some stick around in misery. That's what it means to be faithful... misery.

    It's so depressing to say, but I think it may be true in many cases.

    The thing that doesn't really qualify me to judge this on my experience as that in both the horny wench experiences, I went through the sweatpants/complacency stages that you described, and for that matter, so did they. The other thing is that the first still wanted it, and I broke up with her.

    Anyways, funny shit.

  3. No Naccubens, cheating is definitely a natural affliction. As many have said, including Darwin (probably), we're out their playing the game in the teams best interests. We're out there trying to propogate the species and give US our best chance for survival. If I have sex with a girl who's got a bum leg, my kids might have bum legs too. But there's no way of knowing if a chick might have a bum leg later in life or whether she'll go batshit crazy for that matter. This is why spreading our seed out is what we were programmed to do. It's like in stocks when you diversify your portfolio.

    Either way, just think of what is keeping you and your GF together. Most likely fear of not getting laid or fear of putting in the work to get laid or fear of meeting new people, either way fear is involved. That fear is Darwin's way of saying, "don't fuck this up, you may never get laid again". See, he values you fucking more than diversifying, because at least your playing. He's got a pretty deep bench anyway, so he's not worrying.

  4. Right now what is keeping us together is genuine happiness that we experience being with each other. The difference between myself and the vast majority of the population is that I'm not naive enough to think it'll last.

    I haven't gotten to that point of absolute burnout that inevitably occurs, where you basically have to either give up on your dick and your manhood, or start cheating. I'm curious as to what will occur and what I will decide when we get to that point. In the past, things have just ended.

  5. Evolution aside, if she's cool I wouldn't burn the bridge. The thing I think about is, you spend just as many years of your life NOT fucking than fucking. Once the sex drive goes, the need for companionship takes over, either that or you could save your money and travel the world.
