Thursday, March 04, 2010


So I've been updating this thing for a few weeks now.  Ironically I have about 14 regular readers.  The stuff Bill talks about is great.  If it wasn't, I wouldn't be using my free time to help spread the word about someone else's career, in no way advancing my own.

Every time I'm tempted to write something that I think is remotely funny, I remember that it's Bill's shit we're talking about and Bill's shit only.  So basically I'm a full time journalist with little to no commentary, little input, and my only source is a guy talking into a blue microphone once a week about shit he rambles.  I'm working with leftovers basically. 

I'll take it.

In the mean time feel free to email me with anything Bill/MMP related.
No "Ask Bill"  or "Oh Jesus!" stuff.  Send that shit to him -

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