Thursday, May 06, 2010

Hack Alert!

So I was just perusing the message boards and saw the following article posted.

Thanks to "+ boots +" - for the heads up.

If you've ever known a standup comedian, then you're already aware that the stealing of material that takes place from comedy club to comedy club is a big problem: hack comics will regularly rip-off material from other struggling, no-name local comics when they're fresh out of new material; unfortunately, this sorta thing is just part of the process for comedians looking to break out into superstardom.  Not as common is the practice of a hack, local comic stealing material from a comedian who's already made the big-time, primarily because...well, because the comedian that's already famous is usually on TV telling those jokes, so stealing them becomes a tad difficult.  But Nick Madson-- a struggling, hack comic from Iowa-- wasn't ready to take "a tad difficult" for an answer (thanks, Gob Bluth, for that line): he ripped off Patton Oswalt word-for-word, and now Patton's come to collect.  See it for yourselves below, my gentle Examiner readers...
You'll recognize Patton Oswalt from his work on The King of Queens, his voice work as the main character in Pixar's Ratatouille, or perhaps from his kick-ass performance in last year's dark comedy Big Fan.  You'll recognize Colorado's own Nick Madson from...well, from the comedy oblivion he's about to be sent off to.  You see, Madson believed that he'd be able to rip-off Patton Oswalt word-for-word and no one would notice (imagine an even dumber Dane Cook-- if that's possible-- and that's Nick Madson).  Well, not only did someone notice, but Patton Oswalt himself noticed.

Full article here

One thing the article doesn't mention is how this guy claims he was just helping out a friend.  Really buddy?  So you just happen to have head shots?


  1. Damnit, i got interested in the article, but is down for maintenance.

  2. He kind of looks like a transvestite version of Bill Burr. Sort of like if Bill landed the role of Hillary Swank in "Boys don't cry" (a terrifying thought, I know).

  3. CUT TO: Bill applying pressure bandage across his midchest to keep manboobies in place, sliding dildo down pant pockets for later use...Boston Bruins jersey over top of it all...I think we've got a movie pitch me, Spielberg!
