Thursday, July 08, 2010

Really Bill?

I forgot I took this picture Tuesday night. Bill pulled this out of his pocket. When I looked at it and then immediately looked at him like, "Really dude?", he responded with, "Its 3 years old. I gotta finish it up."

Is that a good enough excuse? I mean 3 years ago we weren't using a discman and just getting into DVD's. My cut off would have 10 years old to make this acceptable.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. haha! i have one of those cameras and it is 9 years old and it still has 3 takes left on it. i dont know if i will ever get it developed.

  2. This happened to me once. Protip: Do NOT look at the pictures for the first time in the presence of your significant other if you purchased that camera when you were still single.

  3. I love camera jokes....wait I don't. BORING!!!!

  4. Truly you have a dizzying intellect

  5. That shit DOES NOT FLOAT!! Even a jew would have just gotten it developed or thrown it out. What the fuck?
